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loud mouth 吵鬧的人,大聲說話的人。


Underground rapper or overground rebel ? creative artist or conspiracy theorist ? multi - talented hip - hop producer or loud mouthed mc ? hard working professional or channel surfing slacker 地下說唱,還是主流叛逆?獨創藝術大師,還是個陰謀理論家?多才的嘻哈制作人,還是大聲喧嘩的mc ?他是一位勤奮的專業人士,還是在電波頻道間游走的懶蟲?

The stench of bad beef was in his nostrils , while in his ears , to the accompaniment of creaking timbers and groaning bulkheads , echoed the loud mouth - noises of the eaters 他的鼻孔里冒出了變質牛肉的臭味,耳朵里聽到了同伴的吧唧吧唧的咀嚼聲,伴以木料的吱嘎和船身的呻吟。

Born in ireland in 1976 , farrell was known for his loud mouth and quick temper before he finished primary school 1976年出生于愛爾蘭的法瑞爾,在小學畢業以前以其大聲喧嘩和暴躁脾氣而聞名。

And knock you all out , left dead in the scene people fall out that s what happen to you when you got a loud mouth (合)擁抱這時刻這一分一秒全都停止(男)愛開始糾結

Fred is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets 弗萊德是一個愛嚷嚷的人,不能相信他能保守住秘密。

Unlike some loud mouth geeks 我跟某些大嘴巴小丑不一樣

Fritz is loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets 費瑞茲是一個信口開河的人,不能把機密告訴他。

Unlike some loud mouth geeks . . 我跟某些大嘴巴小丑不一樣. .